Celebrating their 10th anniversary as a band, Oxford Drama think that they’re only getting started. Constantly searching for new possibilities and learning new instruments, Oxford Drama’s rule is to sound however they please, at the same time giving their audience a sense of familiarity.
This Polish duo has been praised by the press as a band that sticks to their own beliefs. After releasing their third album „What’s The Deal With Time?” in 2021, which gathered great reviews, the band performed on numerous Polish and European festivals. Their growth as musicians was noted, both live and in the studio environment.
Now, Oxford Drama are back with their fourth album. ‚The World is Louder’ consists of the loudest and most punk songs they ever recorded (‘More and More’, ‘Ought to Know’) and also the quietest and most cinematic ones (‘Six Feet Under’, ‘Meditation 1’), neither of which a coincidence. The world is louder than it used to be, and sometimes it’s even louder than your own thoughts, but the Polish duo found themselves at ease both in an ecstatic dance and a meditative state.